Westendorf cable cars - Alpinolino

Alpinolino, the play realm for little explorers and discoverers is right at the mountain station for the Alpenrosenbahn (1770m). In the Alpine discovery park cunning foxes and swift weasels are very well catered for. Along then "Himmelsteig (Celestial Trail) ", "Holzwurmweg (Woodworm trail)" and the "Eyrie" animal-oriented puzzles and the "Spoggolino" ball run await. Fun and excitement are provided along the wooden ball run.

Opening hours cable cars Westendorf - Alpinolino

  • check18.05. til 27.10.2024

  • check08.30 - 17.00 h

Alpinolino Westendorf

A voyage of exploration between the Talkaser and Choralpe

Alpinolino is a true paradise for little explorers. What all do you know about the fox, snow hare, marmots and the like. How far do these animals jump? Via the ‘Himmelsteig’ (Celestial Trail) you proceed to the summit, taking in the views to the Wilder Kaiser and the mountains of the Kitzbühel Alps, then things are all the more speedy back via "Spoggolino" ball run. Boredom is not an option here. For nature fans, Alpinorama awaits with Kreuzjöchlsee and the viewing point on the Fleiding. A relaxation oasis nestling in the mountains. Those of you who have a keen interest in forests can find out lots of interesting information on the way back to the valley on the "Holzwurmweg (Woodworm trail)quot;.

Adventure stations in Alpinolino

  • checkHimmelsteig (Celestial Trail)

  • checkMarmot field

  • checkEyrie

  • check‘Panoramatisch’ viewing point

  • checkPhoto point

  • checkHimmelsschaukel

  • checkSpoggolino ball run

  • checkWater game

  • checkAlpinorama

  • checkFleiding viewing point - Top of SkiWelt

  • checkKreuzjöchlsee

  • checkHolzwurmweg (Woodworm Trail)

  • checkExplorer stations

Wissenswertes Alpinolino

  • checkParkplätze: Direkt an der Talstation der Bergbahn Westendorf (kostenlos bei Bergbahnnutzung)

  • checkWC: Bei der Bergbahn

  • checkEinkehr: Bergrestaurant Talkaser, Panoramarestaurant Choralpe, Sonnalm, Alpenrosenhütte DAV,

  • checkKinderwagenfreundlich: Ja. Kinderwagentransport in der Gondel möglich. Ein großteil der Wege sind kinderwagentauglich.

  • checkAuffahrt: Direkt mit der Alpenrosenbahn I & II

  • checkPreise: Freier Eintritt mit Bergbahn ErlebnisCard / Sommer Card

Current live data


  • Talkaser



  • Choralpe Westendorf

    Choralpe Westendorf


  • Kreuzjöchlsee



    Today 2024-07-27

  • mainly sunny
  • ac_unitMin.15 °C
  • wb_sunnyMax.22 °C
  • opacityPrecipitation40 % (0.2 mm)
  • flagWindSuedwest 10 km/h
  • flash_onThunderstorm risk35 %

    Tomorrow 2024-07-28

  • sun, clouds, rain
  • ac_unitMin.12 °C
  • wb_sunnyMax.18 °C
  • opacityPrecipitation70 % (6.8 mm)
  • flagWindNordwest 10 km/h
  • flash_onThunderstorm risk25 %

    Tomorrow 2024-07-29

  • mainly sunny
  • ac_unitMin.12 °C
  • wb_sunnyMax.19 °C
  • opacityPrecipitation10 % (0 mm)
  • flagWindWest 5 km/h
  • flash_onThunderstorm risk15 %

    Tomorrow 2024-07-30

  • sunny
  • ac_unitMin.14 °C
  • wb_sunnyMax.22 °C
  • opacityPrecipitation5 % (0 mm)
  • flagWindWest 5 km/h
  • flash_onThunderstorm risk40 %
  • 22open lifts
  • 29°Valley18°Mountain
  • flash_on40% Thunderstorm risk
  • 45% Precipitation
  • 5km/h Wind

Last updated at27.07.2024 07:40:09 Time

Data provision by SkiWelt Wilder Kaiser-Brixental


One Moooh-ment please